مناشدة و استغاثة للعالم لإنقاذ مدينة عدن

(كريتر سكاي):خاص

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لإنقاذ عدن و اليمن عامة من كارثة محققة لابد من التعامل مع الوضع بجدية لابد من فريق مؤهل معد للتعامل مع الاوبئة  لان بلدنا في وضع صحي منهار و متهالك و لا تمتلك هذا الفريق حالياً الدول العظمى فشلت في مجابهة هذا الفيروس فما بالك ببلدنا ،، الرسالة تناشد منظمة الصحة العالمية والامم المتحدة لإرسال فرق صحية لمدينة لعدن و اليمن لمكافحة وباء كورونا .. 
#أنقذ عائلتك ، أحبتك ، ووطنك#
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#  Dear / United Nations and World Health Organization 
We, the Yemeni people, last from five years have been killed in our homeland with different weapons, terrible life conditions, and famine. In spite of all these appalling conditions, under which only Yemeni people could live, we have struggled to live in our country; though the government is living abroad leaving the whole country face its fate whatever it is. 
With the horrible ramifications of the novel Corona Virus, the developed and technological countries have announced that they have failed to confront or stop the deadly plights of this pandemic disease. Accordingly, we just want you to imagine how it is or will be the situation in Yemen with Corona Virus?
Yemen is entirely damaged by the war since 2015 which destroyed the infrastructure and all public services in the country such as the medical care, agricultural harvests, electricity, and water sources etc. The health care in Yemen is Zero in comparison to the other countries which have failed to stop and confront Corona Virus. The simple facilities are not available at the hospitals and the lack of eligible staff and doctors augments the dilemma. Moreover, some of the private hospitals have been closed in front of the patients with Covid 19 symptoms because they could not get the necessary facilities to deal with the possible affected ones by such viperous virus. The swabs of testing Covid 19 are not available at the hospitals and the doctors are not able to do anything as there are various problems hinder them. Some doctors got affected also and a lot of people passed away with different fever diseases such as Dengue Shock Syndrome and Chikungunya as diagnosed by doctors there, yet no Covid 19 test have been done for such cases. 
In Yemen, people are suffering from malnutrition and their bodies are exhausted by five years war, therefore such people donot have the sufficient immunities to resist  the pandemic Covid-19. We have lost our families, youths, and children in the last five years because of war and famine. We are struggling with our fatigued bodies against war, starvation, diseases, poverty, and now we have to face the imminent threats of Corona Virus which even the developed world could not overcome. All this happens at the time in which our government and the different fighting parts for political purposes are taking care only to dominate our country leaving meanwhile people aside of their concern. So, what is expected to be the situation in Yemen with Covid 19?  Shall we accept to lose half of the Yemeni population or maybe more than that?
Today, Aden is facing a lot of diseases and a lot of people passed away affected by different fever diseases before and after the floods which hit the city on 22/4/2020.  A lot of houses in Aden are still sunken in the swamps caused by the floods. The situation in Aden and Yemen as a whole is disastrous and none is taking care of this keen catastrophe in Yemen even our government has left us to face death a usual. 
Based on all above-mentioned conditions in Yemen at all and Aden in particular, we are appealing your human conscience so as to rapidly interfere to save us. All the Yemenis are not relying on our government or any of the conflict pillars in Yemen as they always fail to achieve any of the people’s ambitions. So, we are asking you, the UN and WHO, to take a decisive role in Yemen and adopt assisting our nation there in Aden and Yemen as a whole to confront the pandemic Corona Virus. We are asking you to send powerful teams to help people there under your direction only avoiding interfering any of the political parts in Yemen or the legitimate government itself as the political combating has destroyed everything in our country.


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